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PLAY Doggy Daycare Website


PLAY Doggy Daycare is a Dogsitting company in Seattle Washington. One location in downtown & one in Capitol Hill

Who was I designing for?

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John represents the average family man in the tech industry. He spends times with loved ones. He enjoys his free time and watches movies and is pretty tech savvy. John has recently decided to get a dog for his daughter. The only problem is that He works from 9-5 and his daughter is in school most the day. So who is left to take care of the dog? That's where Play Doggy Daycare comes in. 

(Desktop View)

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What was the problem with the website?

What was my role on the project?

Did I have anyone working with me?

What was my process?

Did I just work on the Desktop or Mobile?

What did I find after analyzing the Desktop?

What did I find after analyzing the mobile version?

PLAY Doggy Daycare had two different websites for the same business. The only difference was that one website was for the Capitol Hill location & the other one was for the downtown Seattle building. Users found this confusing.

 My role was UX Researcher & Interaction Designer.

No, I did not.

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Comparative Analysis

  • Mobile and Desktop Analysis

  • User Testing

  • Affinity Mapping

  • Designing Solutions

  • 2nd Round of User Testing

  • Finalizing Design


I found that having two different websites for one company was confusing for users.

When I visited the website on my mobile phone there seemed to be quite a drop in the overall experience because the website was not featured for mobile viewing. When I first landed on the landing page the first thing I saw was the biography of the website. Then listed at the bottom of the page both locations to the actual website.

How was user Testing?

I conducted 2 round of user testing 5 per round.

I had them perform tasks and monitored their process performing them.

Users gave me feedback on problems they had navigating throughout the desktop version of the website. The average time it took them to finish the tasks was somewhere between 4-6 minutes.

I had them perform tasks and monitored their processes performing them.


Task List

1. Find the Capitol Hill Location

2. Find Services

3. Locate 2 Biographies of  members of the Capitol Hill location

4. Find where FAQ'S were  

5. Complete Sign Up Application Process


Users gave me feedback on problems they had navigating throughout the desktop version of the website. The average time it took them to finish the tasks was somewhere between 4-6 minutes.


What features did I implement onto the website?

What changes did users want from Doggy Daycare?

  • Quick access to a range of options


  • Knowing what’s new on repeat visits


  • Social proof from others to know what’s cool




  1. Testimonials

  2. One website location

  3. Sign up Process

Competitive Analysis

I gathered information on other Dog daycare facilities in the downtown area of Seattle. I took notes on what features competitors were offering. I also compard the mobile and desktop experiences on the other websites.

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With my first series of wireframes, I started off by redesigning the landing page to be one homepage. User Research showed that having two websites for both locations was confusing for users.  

(1st Iteration Wireframe)

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Deals & Specials

Navigation Bar



Through my Competitor Analysis, I realized that none of the competitors had noticeable offers on the homepage. Adding a banner on the homepage for features would be a great way to draw in business.

I didn't want to change the Navigation bar too much from what was already set on the desktop. But I did think of adding a menu Icon would be a great Idea for mobile users.

When I gave users the task to go and find the FAQ Icon, many users got confused because they could not find it right off. It was hidden on the homepage in the bottom right-hand corner. not too many users went down there first off. They actually went to the "Application tab & "Services" to find it. So in my redesign, I decided to relocate it to the navigation bar.

User Research shows that people who visit websites like to have a reassurance that from past visitors and customers have had good experiences in the past and leave good reviews. The PLAY Doggy Daycare Facebook page is full of good reviews from past and current dog owners that say great things about their time at PLAY. So I decided to put those good reviews to better use and put a place where Testimonials can be put on the bottom of the homepage.

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3 Step Sign up Process

User Research also showed that the Sign up Application Process was too repetitive and not engaging on Desktop. For mobile users it showed that it was even harder. Through feedback a new 3 step application process was made.

When a user first clicks to sign up they are takenn to the owner page for the application. They have the option to upload a picture of themselves to let Doggy Daycare know what they look like. Then input their important information 

1. First Name

2. Last Name

3. Phone number

4. Email Address



7. Zip Code

The Question mark on the bottom of the page provides users that may have any questions while in the process.



Owner Application

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The second part of the application process details the dog you are letting PLAY take care of. You still have an option to upload a picture of your pet.

Information that youll input is

1. Name

2. Breed/Mix




6.(Spayed or Neutred)

7. Any Allergies Worries or concerns or history of violent behavior. Users will not be able to continue untill they have written in yes or no.


Dog Application

This is the part where Users can tell their story on what makes their relationship with their dog special. As well as to let them know what kind of needs their dog may have while they stay at PLAY Doggy Daycare.


1. Once this press Done a popup comes up asking which location they want to drop their dog off at. Either the Capitol Hill Location of the Downtown on Cherry Location.


2. Once they choose their location an animation plays saying complete. Then the owner will receive an email saying PLAY Doggy Daycare will get back to them in the next 48 hours 

3 Step Application

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Pet Relationship

The final part of the application lets owners talk about their relationship with their dog. Certain traits or characteristics of their dog. This gives the dog owner a chance to let us know about their dog

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User Testing 

In my second round of user testing with my wireframes, I had different users preform the same tasks as I asked the first batch. All users I asked were able to perform the task at a faster pace than the original interviewees.

- In my 2nd iteration of wireframes, I moved the Phone number of the contact of the business to the top right-hand corner of the homepage because User research showed that some users need to find out information such as contact as easy and quickly as possible.

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Visual Design

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  1. The Home Button will bring users to the main page they see when they first visit the site. The Homepage will show new reviews from current customers. This Page will also display a slide show with photos of the Rufferees and dogs.  The button will have a white under-glow when hovered over.

  2. The Services button will bring users to a page that lists the types of services our business provides. When Users hove/press the button it will have a white under glow under it.

  3. The Application button will bring users to the sign-up page where they will complete a step by step sing up to enlist their dog in our service.

  4. The Rufferees button will bring users to our page of staff members that has biographies of our workers and their pets.

  5. FAQ Button on tab bar will bring users to the “Frequently Asked Questions page. On this page, it will list of answers a majority of users ask about the business.  The FAQ button will have a white underglow when hovered over.

  6. The PLAY Dog Day Care logo serves as a second Home screen button 

  7. These two circles are the most recent avatars of customers that have reviewed their time with PLAY Doggy Daycare. The ALG will show them from recent to oldest.

  8. These two circular icons with social media tabs are links that send users to the companies Facebook & Yelp page. Once users reach these pages they will have the ability to see more photos, follow for updates on specials and leave reviews.

  9. The Green Banner at the top of the page indicates updates and sales going on. to alert visitors to new products.


Working on PLAY Doggy Daycare was one of the most enjoyable projects I've worked on. Interviewing  Potential users was a really fun and different experience then iv had in the past of interviewing users. In my time of starting Virtually Perfect I have found a real interest for working on websites of local business's and delivering website and mobile designs that will boost revenue for the, Websites like PLAY Doggy Daycare is why I love to design and I love to connect with people. 

Coded & Designed by Ian Jackson Busik

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